martes, 23 de febrero de 2010

Snowing again

It is snowing...again...

And while my words fell, while my eyes are closing like cursed by a powerful spell, a distant song comes again. Maybe, British fairies are singing, closely, over the snow.

And winter came

So are the storms announcing you
or should we look for something more?
The spring has fled, and summer too:
Winter has came with all its lores.

The snow that falls over this land
turns all these crows into pale white.
Our doubts, the same: they’re now just sand,
they calmly ebb under this light.

Oh, silver sheet that beds our farms,
might you ice up our hidden fears?
As long as you employ your charms
you could congeal our saddest tears.

Please take our pains to dance, to fly
or lock them up inside ice floes.
As sleet, they’ll melt before our eyes.
As nights, the sun will force them go.

So have you sent the storms to tell
around the sky, around this rain
inside our souls closed in cold cells
that winter’s heat is here again?


Mi primer intento, serio, de poesía en inglés. Y yo que sigo aquí, sin poder concentrarme en la Biología Molecular...

1 comentario:

  1. Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

    ayer hablamos por el skype!!! jejejeje

    Bueno y respecto a tu poesia en ingles.... lo siento pero ya tengo bastante con saberme mi presentacion las islas columbretes en ingles...ya la leere con clama un dia que no odie el ingles....

